Yalecrest National Historic District | Salt Lake City
Street Lamp Restoration
2015 Yalecrest & Yale
In 2015, K.E.E.P. Yalecrest sought restoration of some of the original street lamps in the neighborhood, beginning with the iconic lamp at the triangle of Yale and Yalecrest Avenues at 1600 East. This project and its expense was unanimously supported by K.E.E.P.'s board and enthusiastically supported by the Street Lighting Program Manager of Salt Lake City. With expertise from Zach at Cottonwood Security and Don Hartley from the State Office of Historic Preservation, the restoration really is magnificent. This is the only street light and basket/cage that we know of in Salt Lake City that actually contains names of the streets it illuminates . It is truly one of a kind and we are happy to have restored and reinstalled it in our national historic district neighborhood.
2016 Military & 9th South
In 2016, a second restored lamp cage was been installed, making a matching set at Military Drive and 900 South. Who knows how long the west lamp post has been missing this cage entirely?

Funding Further Restoration
K.E.E.P. Yalecrest in past years submitted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) applications to fund more extensive renovations of Yalecrest street lamps. The City hasn't deemed this an appropriate avenue for pursuing funding for restoration.
Salt Lake City Street Lighting Master Plan
The City has developed a draft Street Lighting Master Plan to address the character and appearance of lights throughout the City, and would like to see lighting help in defining neighborhoods. According to the City, the Yalecrest neighborhood currently has adequate lighting and meets and exceeds City standards. This neighborhood is also part of the Tier 2 Enhanced Lighting District. Funds for repairs and maintenance are gathered from each resident within the Tier 2 District and can only be used for lighting in that district. To learn more, visit the SLC Streetlight web page.